This workflow decribes the installation of Docker and run a tool using a Docker image in the SBG CGC image registry.
To start, make sure you have an account with Seven Bridges CGC.
There are many ways of installing Docker. Go to the url above for installation details.
I installed Docker using “Homebrew” on my mac.
brew install docker
brew install docker-machine
-list docker machines
-start the machine called “dev”
-generate certificate so docker machine can talk to “dev”
-tell docker to talk to “dev” with the certificate
-connect shells to the machine “dev”
docker-machine ls
#if you do not have host named "dev"
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox dev
#if you have a host named "dev
docker-machine start dev
docker-machine regenerate-certs dev
docker-machine env dev
eval "$(docker-machine env dev)"
To stop/remove the host called “dev” - skip this for now
docker-machine stop dev
docker-machine rm dev
To check your installation, pull and run the hello-world image from the docker respository.
You should see a “Hello from Docker” message, which confirms that docker is installed correctly.
docker pull hello-world
docker images
docker run hello-world
This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with the basics of Seven Bridges CGC.
If not, please check out
In this example, we will use the unix command “grep” to look for a string (“KX”) in a input FASTA file and print the line containing that string in an output file
Input FASTA file content
>gb:KU991811|Organism:Zika virus Brazil/2016/INMI1-Asian|Segment:null|Subtype:Asian|Host:Human
>gb:KU955590|Organism:Zika virus Z16019-Asian|Segment:null|Subtype:Asian|Host:Human
>gb:KU922960|Organism:Zika virus MEX/InDRE/Sm/2016-Asian|Segment:null|Subtype:Asian|Host:Human
>gb:KX056898|Organism:Zika virus Zika virus/GZ02/2016-Asian|Segment:null|Subtype:Asian|Host:Human
>gb:KU922923|Organism:Zika virus MEX/InDRE/Lm/2016-Asian|Segment:null|Subtype:Asian|Host:Human
>gb:KU963574|Organism:Zika virus ZIKV/Homo sapiens/NGA/IbH-30656_SM21V1-V3/1968-West_African|Segment:null|Subtype:West_African|Host:Human
We will create a tool with the latest Ubuntu image in the CGC registry to search the above input file for a sequence header containing the string “KX”
Under “GENERAL” - Login to your CGC account
- Click on the “Apps” tab
- Click on “+Add app”
- Click on “Create Tool”
- Enter a name for the tool “ubuntu-grep”, Click “Create”
- Enter “ubuntu:latest” in the Docker Repository field
- Enter “grep” in the Base Command field
- Enter “output.txt”
This creates a tool that will pull the latest Ubuntu image from the CGC register, run the “grep” command and create an output file named “output.txt”
Under “INPUTS” - Create 3 input ports by clicking on the “+” sign. You want the resulting command line to look like -
“grep ‘string_pattern’ input_file > output.txt”
grep (base command) is position 0 in the command line
‘string pattern’ is position 1 in the command line
input_file is position 2 in the command line
Under “OUTPUTS” - Create an output port by clicking on “+”
Under “TEST” You can enter different names different ports and see if the resulting command line looks right - Click on “SAVE” - Click on “RUN” to start a task with this tool
Under “Set Input Data” - Click on “Pick files” to select the input file
Under “Define App Settings” - Enter the name of the output file and the string/pattern you want to search in the input file - Click “Run” and confirm
Task being queued and waiting to run
You should see the output file under “Files” In the output file (output.txt), you should see the header line containing the string “KX”
>gb:KX056898|Organism:Zika virus Zika virus/GZ02/2016-Asian|Segment:null|Subtype:Asian|Host:Human